Why consult with a trustee

Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Many professionals can counsel you: your financial institution, an accountant, a lawyer, a trustee.

Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Many professionals can counsel you: your financial institution, an accountant, a lawyer, a trustee.

Of all of these professionals, the trustee is certainly the most misunderstood. Many people think that consulting with a trustee inevitably leads to bankruptcy. Let’s set the record straight.

The role of a trustee

Trustees are specialists in financial reorganization. Not only do they have the expertise to give you the greatest advice, but they also know all of the best avenues to help you find a solution other than bankruptcy.

In the minds of many, “trustee” is synonym with “bailiff”, that is, someone who will seize your assets… In fact, a trustee’s job is the opposite! S/he helps those struggling with financial difficulties to seek protection under the law in order to avoid untimely seizures as well as the liquidation of their assets.

To make an informed decision when it comes to financial problems, it is essential to have all of the available information on the possible options. There is no perfect solution, and there are no two identical personal situations. This is why a meeting in person is essential. The counselor will take the time to:

  1. Determine the cause of your financial difficulties;
  2. Elaborate and analyze your balance sheet and your household budget;
  3. Expose you to different available solutions, taking special care in explaining the pros and cons of each;
  4. Answer your questions;
  5. If needed, support you in putting the chosen solution into motion.

If you have health issues, you consult a health specialist. If your car breaks down, you consult a mechanic. If your financial health is in jeopardy? It’s the same idea. In this case, as in others, there is no shame in asking for help from a specialist.

These meetings with a trustee are free, without obligation, and confidential. Take the first step and make an appointment. You will realize that you have everything to gain from seeking counsel from an expert!