
Whether you’re currently in school or have accumulated some debt during your studies, special rules may apply to you.

We can help

Higher education can be an investment towards getting a better job. But sometimes, you’re not able to finish your degree or there aren’t many well-paying jobs in your field of study, in which case, a student debt can be an bearable burden.

Student debt can be divided into three categories: a government student loan, a student line of credit from a financial institution for ‘promising’ areas of study (e.g. medicine, engineering, law, etc.) and personal debt (line of credit, credit cards, car loan, personal loan, etc.). Each of these categories has specific rules with regards to financial issues and financial reorganization.

Possible solutions

Under some circumstances, student debt can be included in a consumer proposal or bankruptcy.

Our advisors will closely examine your financial situation, answer your questions and give you advice on the solutions that are available to you based on the type of debt that you have.

The sooner you have a clear picture of your personal finances and your options, the better your chances of pulling through.


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