Creditors’ meeting
A creditors’ meeting is a gathering of the creditors in a consumer proposal or bankruptcy case and are convened to discuss matters related to the case. During these meetings, creditors can present evidence, ask questions, and express their opinion on the debtor’s conduct, the existence of assets, the method of realization, the remedies to be pursued, and to provide the licensed insolvency trustee with instructions of any nature. The purpose of a creditors’ meeting is to examine the information provided by the debtor, including their income and expenses, as well as their assets and liabilities. Creditors have the right to question the debtor about the items listed in their statement of affairs and budget, as well as any documents relating to their affairs. By participating in these meetings, creditors can better protect their interests by understanding how their claims will be treated within the bankruptcy or proposal process. In the case of personal bankruptcy (summary administration), a meeting will only be held if 25% or more of the creditors (1$ = 1 vote) demand it.